Lovely Girl, Don’t Get Blinded By The Shiny Things

Dear Lovely Girl,

Please don’t get blinded by the shiny things, not even with those diamond rings. Please don’t let your love be bought by material things, because darling, please remember that you are capable and worth so much more.

Please don’t get swayed by his promise of giving you all that you desire, maybe that trip to Rome, all those pairs of Christian Louboutin, every shade of lipstick that Mac can make, that Range Rover that The Chainsmokers have been talking about, all those pretty lingerie from Victoria’s Secret. Maybe he can give you all of those, but please do ask yourself “Do I really like him beyond these overwhelming feelings driven by all his offers and gifts?”

My love, please also ask yourself the most important thing, “this is really what I am worth?” Because material things would not suffice the love that you would be giving him, the love that is so pure and complete, the love that could built empires and move mountains, the love that would be shared between you and him and grow another life, or two or three, the love that is willing to sacrifice, the love that would last a lifetime.

When you hit the highs and the lows, will he stay and be there for you? Is he willing stand back and watch you rise on your own if you ask him to when you fall? Does he respect and know the value of your freedom, will, voice and privacy? Are you above his pride and ego?

Does he know how to make you laugh? Will he remember your favorite color or the song that was playing when you had your first dance together? Does he understand you? Will he remember those small details that you told him during your late night conversations?

I know these are a lot of questions, but these are important questions. Please allow him to give himself first, and when he does please cherish him the way you would want him to do to you.

Please don’t pick somebody that you don’t truly like as a person just because he can give you material things, please don’t just accept and receive all those fancy things. Please don’t take advantage of what he can give, please put your values above. It’s not good to use other people and if your values are violated, you can always say no. Even if everybody around you tells you that you are stupid for not taking that opportunity, that if they were you, they would have accepted the offer, please don’t be like them. Trust me when I say that it feels so good knowing that you never used or taken advantage of someone just because you have the power to.

I would like to repeat that lovely girl, you are capable. Capable of giving yourself what material things he can give you through hard work, determination, will and prayer. Maybe it will take more time, but at least it is your time, money and effort that you will spend and not somebody else’s.

Please take the road less traveled because not everything can be solved through the high road.

Lovely girl, you are worth so much more than all those fancy things.