To The Millennial Who Thinks That They’re Burned Out

Maybe right now you’re questioning your capacity of striving for those dreams because you’re simply exhausted from running that race and would really need a break from the fast life, or maybe you just lost your first corporate job and questioning your competence, maybe even thinking of resigning from that toxic company because you just really can’t take it anymore.

When you feel like dragging your body in the morning and dreading the fact that you have to go to work again, when no amount of coffee can wake your soul in midday because your body is craving for the sleep work hinders you to consume, when the stress is too much to handle and you smoke a 2 packs a day now, that’s okay, we all have those moments, adulthood never came with a manual, we just merely dove into it without knowing how to swim in that ocean but I implore you to please not be consumed.

Please take a pause and re-evaluate yourself, are you still healthy? Are you eating right? Are you still happy? Can you still take it? You work your ass off and you need to reboot and recharge yourself, you get drained every work day and get burned right in the middle of the week and sometimes even need to work on the weekends. It’s not a sin to a few days off, it’s a rite because you are only human.

We have vacation leaves, please use them, you fucking deserve them! Take that trip, you’re worth it! Go be a couch potato for the day and binge watch Riverdale, The Originals and lose your chill over Wonder Woman, eat all that popcorn! Maybe Netflix and chill with your babe, if you have a babe. Go on that photo walk and feed your frustrated photographer self or go to church and talk to Him and lift all your burdens, I swear it will feel so good afterwards.

My fellow millennial, please remember to breathe and live the moment. I know that we’re not getting any younger but we are getting smarter and stronger with every single obstacle that we surpass.