The Art of Giving Him Space

You know that feeling when you had a very long, tiring and dragging day and all you want to do is be with your boo? So, he can hold you while you rant all the negative plausibility of your day.

Well, he gets those days too, maybe stress is eating him up, something really bad came up, he’s really tired or he’s entering that state of “nothing is going right in my life right now”, regardless of negative intensity, those days exist.

Of course, your first instinct is to go to him and to ask him what’s wrong and if he wants to talk about it but that’s not really how men work. I have observed 3 reactions from this situation:

A. He brushes things off and tells you to distract him

B. He has an unenthusiastic answer until you pry for a more concrete answer, then he gets annoyed and finally tells you

C. He dismisses your question completely and have a grave expression on his face

When reaction C comes along you keep on reaching out to him, I know you want to help him that’s why you keep on prying and forcing to get an answer but honey, he will only explode, may start a fight and push you away. Which, will highly likely result to your feelings getting hurt (and you might make the situation about you when this happens). You need to understand that men are not like women, they do not have that constant need to confide their feelings when everything goes south.

This is a sign that he needs his space to collect himself, to set his life straight, to think or to not think. Allow him that space, allow him that space that he needs for himself, this will do him good.

I know a relationship is a two-way thing, but at moments like these when you want to say so many things, what you can do is to understand, hold your tongue, kiss your man on the forehead and exit the room or let him be.

One way or the other, everybody goes through this, it’s unavoidable, we are only humans after all, governed by our overwhelming emotions that we could do or say things that we don’t mean.

Sometimes, all we need is a moment for ourselves to reflect, to not think, to feel, to think, to rest, to set our feelings and thoughts straight… alone.

Being alone is as important as having someone there to watch and hold you as you pick yourself up when you fall.

By the end of the day, when he is ready to tell you, he will.

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