May You Never

May you never have to question your position on where you stand in someone’s life; the life of the one who claims to love you

May they never tell you and make you feel like an option when they were your choice to begin with

May you find the one who will never let you go to sleep mad, sad, overthinking… the one who wraps their arms tightly around you when they wake up in the middle of the night

May you find the one who holds you when you cry and never tell you that you’re weak for crying over things that overwhelm you or the things that are important to you but are not to them

May you find the one who listens and holds you while you cry oceans over petty or deep things; the one who cherishes the moments when you lay down your guard

May you find the one who’s ready to lend a hand when you fall on your knees; the one who’ll let you pick yourself up but is ready to carry you when you need them to

May you find the one who holds you when you’re falling apart; the one who would cross rivers and oceans for you

May you find the one to hold your hand as you go through storms; the one who’ll go with you wherever you venture to

May you find the one who respects your opinions, your boundaries and acknowledges your efforts and your presence; the one who appreciates you

May you find the one who makes you genuinely and truly happy; the one who will tell you that you’re beautiful and make you feel you’re worthy

May you find the one who’s proud to call you theirs; the one who’ll never hide you from the world

May you find the one who will meet you halfway and fight for what you have as fiercely as you do; the one that deserves you

May you find the one who gives love as much as you do; the one who’ll never be scared to tell you “I love you”

May you never settle for less than what you deserve

To The Bastard Who Broke My Friend’s Heart

Hey you, yeah YOU!

How could you? After we gave you our trust and supported you guys and became your number one fans? Yes, me and our other friends but let me tell you something; YOU ARE A F*CKING DICK, a gigantic asshole and YOU DO NOT DESERVE HER.

She is so beautiful; her spirit soaring high up in the clouds, her smile can light up a dark building; she is determined, brilliant and witty. I have no idea how she can put up with someone like YOU.

Never have I ever seen her lost her wings like that, she crashed so hard and face first to the ground, never seen her so parched that not even the ocean could quench her thirst, never seen her so breathless that not even the forest could provide her enough oxygen, never seen her shed massive tears that not even an Olympic pool could contain, never seen her lose herself and that’s all because of YOU.

YOU, the bastard that broke her heart.

The one she chose to love despite you being so egoistic, conceited and self centered, the one she chose to be with through the darkest days of his life that she gave him her mind and soul and when he wasn’t sober only gave her words that pierced holes on her heart that hurt more than bullet wounds and more visible than the moon’s craters created by crashing meteors, the one she reserved herself for because she’s not easy to get and still you got her, but when will you cherish her? The one who’s hand she chose to hold her fragile heart and trusted to keep it safe and sound.

I will never forget what you did to my precious friend, we will always be here for her; to give her pieces of advice, to care for her and listen to her in her good and bad days, to protect her from all harm and to support her in every decision that she makes and she decided to still be with you, we don’t like it, well don’t like it, but that’s her decision and we respect it and we respect her because we love her and I’ve been there before so I understand where she is coming from but don’t mistake this as a pass to talking to me again.

One more thing, for a woman, despite giving us millions of reason to leave you, we always seem to chose that one reason to stay. So, keep yourself in check because you are on my bad side, once you go waaaay below the belt even if I get a red light, I will tear your manhood down to b i l l I o n s of p i e c e s.

The First And Last Time

I thought of the day that I will finally see and touch your face

The day to be around your arms to taste your warm embrace

The day that I will finally hear the words “I love you” come from your mouth

The day that I will finally get to look into your eyes to unlock your soul

But no

That is not the day how we first met

I met you when you were at a wedding reception near my school

It was your cousin that I saw first that made me come over to say hi

Then you suddenly emerged looking so hot on your tux that made me marble at you for a little bit

Until I saw her

She was wearing this magnificent gown that made her look like a queen

And that suited her because she was in the arms of a king

The arms of MY king

Then everything was so fast that I didn’t have time to dodge the bullet

And suddenly I was standing in front of you, looking at your face, your arms not around me, your mouth not verbalizing “I love you” but just the bullshit “Hey”

And when I looked into your eyes, in that moment I knew that I have lost you

Then the queen turned into a bitch that mouthed “Who’s this?”

Because that connection was so vivid and contained the words that we would never say but both understood

Then the duck turned into a bigger bitch that said “Hi! I’m now his ex-girlfriend and are you the next victim?” smiled then turned and walked away

The pain came rushing and stabbing through my heart and the tears were dangerously threatening to fall

And the question “how was I so stupid to trust and wait for him” was ringing through my ears

That after the first time that he broke me I was stupid enough to let him back in

But no more

Because I am not your option, I am not your side chick and I am not your fucking bitch

Nor am I gonna be your ex-girlfriend who hits you up drunk at 3 AM just to tell you what I should’ve said

I will never be the ex-girlfriend that cries all night long praying for you to get back to your senses and pick me instead of her

I will never be the ex-girlfriend that regrets letting you go

I will never send you a sexy picture to show you what you gave up because that is reserved for the one who truly matters, so thank you for showing me that it wasn’t you

I will never fall in love with you again because this is over, we are over

And  I’m not gonna pretend that it didn’t hurt because it did

But you know what, the first time was the worst and here I am standing like a masterpiece

Yes set your eyes on me because this is the last time that we will ever meet

And  let me say this for the first and last time

FUCK YOU for screwing me over….

And goodluck to the both of you






No, It’s Not Just You; It’s Him Too

No, she’s not okay and no, HE IS NOT OKAY TOO

She’s hurting and he’s hurting too

She’s faking that smile and he’s acting nonchalant

She’s faking that happiness and he’s masking that longing

She’s crying herself to sleep again tonight, he’s crying because nothing feels alright

She’s strong because she allowed herself to be weak, he’s weak because he’s tired of being strong

She’s weak because she’s tired of being strong, he’s strong because he allowed himself to discover vulnerable

She assumes and never asks because she thinks too much, he didn’t answer because he wasn’t asked

She nags about something he didn’t do that lead him to doing what he said he wasn’t doing

 He assumes and asked because he thought about it, she answered differently because she didn’t want to talk about it

He nags about something she didn’t do that lead her to doing what she said she wasn’t doing

She’s scared to lose him and he’s scared to lose her

She loved him and he loved her

She was the talker and he was the listener

She stayed and he thought she wasn’t leaving

He left and she thought he wasn’t coming back

She fucked it up and he fucked it up

She was out there and he was not

Society says she’s great because she got over him but didn’t acknowledge him getting over her

Because she was vocal and he was not

And that is why they think he didn’t care

Midnight Story: The Catch Up

Hey, how are you? It’s been awhile.

I have to tell you stuff, I’m on my last year of school and this semester is killing me, you have absolutely no idea how much of a pain it is, but you know it’ll all be worth it when I march up that stage and get my diploma.

Your sister is so pretty, I still can’t get over how grown up she is right now, I remember running around the house with her when I came over and those cookies your mom used to make that gets me drooling the second I smell the perfection of melted chocolate chips!

Oh! The tailor down the street says hi, I walked by when she saw me. She makes pretty dresses, I hope you saw the red one she recently made, it was divine!

Can I tell you something?  You know, I want to wear an Elie Saab when I walk down the aisle; her gowns are so beautiful that they send chills down my spine. I will definitely wear one, yeah, I will do that. Haha

I’m sorry was that weird for me to say?

Ugh! The sky is so perfect today, do you remember when you took me skinny dipping on the lake last June? The water was so refreshing but then you tried to slip a damn frog inside my swimsuit and ruined that perfect moment for me, you know how much I’m terrified by frogs but still you did it because you’re such an ass. I so hated you that day, you know, but then again the best part of that was the big teddy bear and blueberry cheesecake you gave me to make up for it.

Thank you by the way, for keeping me company all the time even though my stories bore you. You don’t have to hide it, I know, just kidding!


You know, even when I close my eyes I can see that smile on your face. You really have big shiny pearly white teeth; you’re like Bugs Bunny “What’s up dock?” lol, it’s crazy how time can zoom before your eyes.

I remember when we told each other how we felt about us, I was like “It was never my intention to fall in love with you, nor was it my intention to make you fall in love with me too.” Then you kissed me, under the stars, in the pouring rain, it was like a movie actually the way it happened haha and you told me that those things never happen in real life then tada! It happened to us.

Good old memories…

I miss you, I really miss you a lot and I wish that you were still here…

Hey, I gotta go, I’ll be back soon okay? Look after me from up there, I love you.

Photo by LovePanky

Isosceles By Angel Cruz (Spoken Word Piece From Intramuros Rising III)


I wish for you to have amazing sex with her every night!

I wish she does everything u tell her to, bend her body in angles her bones are not accustomed with, wont tell u to stop,wont ask you to be gentle…

I hope you feel like coming home to a whore. I hope she feels like she has nothing to offer but this, no warmth, no orgasms that quake more than the muscles, no quiver… joint souls, no lovers intertwined.

I wish you read long letters to her which she does not understand. I wish she becomes the cliche in your poems because you have nothing else to write about.

When the only wetness u are swimming into is a stagnant pond of algae,

you will remember how you wished i was your river, how we flowed into the ocean to be as wide as the horizon. You will remember how the moon reflected tales of lovers in our eyes and how we tried to be them.

You will know that sometimes it is important to fight, make your voice shake the ground the nieghbors press their ears to the floor anticipating for something tragic..

You and i are tragic lovers.

We both know that.

But aren’t the most tragic stories also the most epic?

Didnt juliet swallow death?

Dont we all ingest poison everyday to prove we are the brave ones who love and asks for nothing in return, even if all you want is to be loved in return..even what we are, are dried up bodies tying to hydrate dried up souls.

Lover, we live in a generation where people rejoice in brokenness..

make ugly beautiful,make curses sound like promises..

“Stay a little bit longer”

“I love you but i cannot leave her..

Stay…but  not a little bit go pick her,

tell her how she uncomplicates wanting,

tell her how you understood exactly what she meant when she asked you to love her.

Tell her that there arent oceans you’ve had to swim across just to reach her bossom,

Tell her that there arent any nights that you cried beside her, just because the thought of losing someone so fragile terrifies the fuck out of you

Tell her that the reason why you hold her hands is because your palms feel empty..

Tell her that you have forgotten how it feels to dance under street lamps…

Tell her that her body needs nothing more but another body,

tell her she makes everything feel easy…

Show her your calloused hands and tell her how you struggled with me,

show her the bloodstains on your skin and convince her that you tried to rinse them off..

Tell her i never loved you anyway..

and convince yourself that i never did,

Lover, when i told you my body couldnt bend in angles my bones arent accustomed with,

i was inviting you to not be rigid..

i was asking you to understand that sometimes,

bodies do not need force, just need presence, just need touch..

Pick her.. allow her to marvel in the beauty you discovered in darkness..

Allow her to unclench ur fists.

Allow yourself to discover gentle..

and be that..

Tell her to be everything you want her to be…

while wishing she was me..

BY : Angel Cruz

For more of her work please visit her blog here and please like Words Anonymous’ Facebook for more awesome pieces right here.

Image courtesy of Google Images

I Know, Love.

I see your muscled back turn away from me as you stir in your sleep, your face so calm and gentle faces me now and I hope my astounded gaze does not wake you. How did this beautiful person became mine? I count the days that I will last see your face, for I know what you are hiding.

I know that you’re tired of me, I know that the end is near for you and me; as silence tells me everything that you don’t say because you don’t want to hurt me in any way. I know, love, and I promise I’ll break it to you soon.

Allow me to lift the burden on your shoulders; that when you come home at night tired from work, all you have to do is rest and be at peace with the TV on, pizza and a beer on your hand and not worry about anybody else but you.

Allow me to smooth out your life as I know that the rigid road has bruised you too much to move, allow me to remove the hook stuck on your lips when you were fished out of the sea.

Allow me to remove the burden that is me

I know, love, that I no longer help you grow, that I no longer aid your wounds and end your suffering. That I’m no longer the smile on your face, the beat of your heart and the mate to your soul; but love, I know that you will find her.

And when you do, please tell her how lonely it was at nights when you couldn’t see her face or hear her voice. Tell her how you would bring your chariot with your white horses, your sword and your shield and fight through battles just to reach her. Tell her how you asked the Gods and Saints to give you strength and keep you safe, so you could go through war for her.

Show her how you waded your sword through your enemy’s chest because the thought of not coming home to her frightened you. Show her how much you missed her, longed for her and love her through the gentleness of your thrusts as you enter her.

Court her with the best of you and love her with all of you, show her how she is behind every smile, laugh and triumph in your life

Protect her like you were Davy Jones and she was your treasure, treat her like Cleopatra and make her feel so beautiful, show her how you are ready to move mountains and terrains just to see a smile on her face.

Show her how she was a part of your soul by making her see you at your most vulnerable and allow her to be the best of you; show her that if you ever were to lose her, you would lose yourself too.

Love, I know all these because that is how I am with you.

By Trish Perez

Find your way back to me, please.

bedtime story:

“So when people leave, I’ve learned the secret: let them. Because, most of the time, they have to.

Let them walk away and go places. Let them have adventures in the wild without you. Let them travel the world and explore life beyond a horizon that you exist in. And know, deep down, that heroes aren’t qualified by their capacity to stay but by their decision to return.”
—The Staying Philosophy, Isa Garcia

good night
Photo by Ryan McGinley

Repost from berlinartparasite